Companies that are privately owned are not required by law to disclose detailed financial and operating information in most instances. They enjoy wide latitude in deciding what types of information to make available to the public. Small businesses and other enterprises that are privately owned may shield information from public knowledge and determine for themselves who needs to know specific types of information.
The RxBridge team has experienced a combined 50 years of service specifically in the Workers’ Compensation PBM Industry. As such, we have experienced – first-hand – the impact of questionable “arrangements” on unsuspecting clients. We simply want to do business a different way. We are endeavoring to accomplish this through Real-Transparency™ Pricing, a first in the industry, and a commitment to the Public Disclosure of any and all “revenue sharing arrangements” in their many forms.
We are very excited about our Real-Transparency™ Pricing model and we welcome you to contact us to discuss this model in further detail.

Our Public Disclosure Guarantees RxBridge is Not Involved In…
Third party kickbacks to obtain referrals
Revenue sharing with MCOs or TPAs
Alternative MAC pricing plans between pharmacy and payer that benefit the PBM
No offers to negotiate pricing
Spread pricing to make profits on the difference between the amount paid to the pharmacy versus the amount paid to the PBM
PBM formulary management designed to steer injured workers to most profitable drugs
Actively recruiting doctors to prescribe the most profitable drugs
Repackaged drugs used for mail order to obtain higher profits
Equity investment “shell” games to cover ownership conflict of interests
Non-disclosed “locked in” pricing
Cooperative Service Fees (CSAs) Contracts
Yielding higher profits by directing injured workers to pharmacy chains with lowest prices for PBMs